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Student Characteristics

In school, boys of 10-11 years of age are accepted who have finished fourth grade. The conditions of acceptance to school include an exemplary ambition on the part of the child to study under the educational program at Gorchakov school, as well as the parents' readiness to actively cooperate with the school in the realization of this program. Where all other conditions are met, we give preferences to children from underprivileged families of the Russian intelligentsia.

Students, before being accepted, must successfully complete a foundation program and pass a first/second standard health test in order demonstrate they will be able to sustain the physical and mental pressures of studying at our school. We select students following a competitive selection process which relates closely to the requirements of the Gorchakov educational process. The main criteria for selection in this process is: the child's interest in the educational process; developed reading skills; readiness for intensive cooperation with adults as well as peers. For the first stage in selection, we use a program "Good Time to Read," which was developed through a partnership with St Petersburg State University. The second stage of selection is the collective decision of the parent, child and pedagogues for that child to be admitted to the school.

The length of education at school

Duration of study at Gorchakov is 7 years. It includes two stages: Basic General Education (5-9 grades) and Higher full education (10-11 grades). According to current legislation, for students to be accepted for the Higher Full Education stage (10th Grade) preference is given in the selection process to those students already studying at Gorchakov school.

Expected Results

Stage of Basic General Education: attainment of the general educational federal standard; developed research skills and a culture of self-education; experience of creative self-realisation; a culture of good health; ability to make one's own choice of future educational paths.

Stage of Higher Full Education: attainment of federal standard for those academic specializations chosen by each student. In-depth preparation in one of the educational areas connected to the student's choice of academic path; readiness to continue to university or realization of any other personal plan.

General results: successful attainment of federal educational standard programs; personal development; awareness of responsibilities as a civilian; developed culture of self-education; research skills; knowledge-acquisition skills; creative skills; ability to choose and realize a program of further education and realize a professional career plan.

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