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Organisational Pedagogical conditions

According to the Gorchakov School Statute, the school works six days a week; the educational academic year starts (usually) on 1st September and is expected to last 40 academic weeks.

The academic year is divided into three trimesters in the Basic stage of education (years 5-9): September - November (13 weeks); December - March (15 weeks); April - June (12 weeks).

In the Higher stage of education, there are two semesters: September - December (18 weeks); January - June (22 weeks).

In 35 out of 40 weeks, we structure the educational process around a weekly schedule.

3 weeks are left aside for educational trips and excursions as set out by our special Educational Touring program. During these trips, we also carry out supplementary programs: Research Skills, Creative Self-Realisation, and Individual Development.

At the end of each semester, public exams are given by which students demonstrate to the public (other students, teachers, parents and others) the results of their study in different subjects and educational areas. The program of public exams spans the whole duration of school education, assessed and corrected by a school-teachers council who are chosen according to their suitability for: the level of school education being assessed; the individual abilities and level of student development; and the teacher's own development. The program of public exams in one academic year takes 9-10 academic days.

Lessons are 50 minutes each. In the class there are 20 students. In the second part of the day, the school organizes student activities for self-realisation, which program includes: self education, research skills, creative skills, social activity, physical development, as well as others.

The program of individual study is drawn up by students under the supervision of their personal tutor and then is also agreed by the parents. It is also worth noting here that in Gorchakov school no prescribed homework is given; programmed education is on the whole acquired from the lessons themselves; but, if required, a teacher can request that extra work be done outside of lesson time.

Technologies for the Delivery of Educational Programs

We use technologies for the delivery of educational programs within the pedagogical precepts of the school. Basic educational technologies are:

  • The organisation of self-educational research and creative work of a student
  • Educational trips and excursions
  • Public Exams
  • Seminars, workshops, projects
  • Lesson systems
  • Personal tutor systems
  • Teamwork

Assessment of the educational process

Assessment of the educational process is conducted as follows:

  • Usage of cumulative points system for all subjects in the basic school educational plan.
  • Assessment based on the end product of every academic trimester or semester, including the assessment of public exams.

According to the periodic assessments and end of year assessments, a subject-student rating is calculated which, according to the results of the year, is transferred into a 5 point assessment that is then placed in the student's portfolio.

At the end of the 9th and 11th grades, students take exams that satisfy the federal educational standard requirements and legislation of the Russian Federation in education.

Possible schedule-correction

The reasons that schedules might be corrected are usually process-related. Schedule correction can be done by the school administration, but always and only in the interest of the educational process, of the health and safety of students, or because of some emergency. If possible, correction is done without reducing the normal amount of hours assessed in the program (changing lessons and the organized educational modules allows some flexibility to this end), and the organization of the students' academic day is thus never unduly affected. Any changes in the schedule of school life that reduces or increases the students' educational workload can only be done by decision of the pedagogical council of the school.

Extra conditions for the program's delivery

Education, provision of food, accommodation and, for the most part, the provision of educational resources in school, are free for all students.

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