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The School Building

Dacha of Architect Alexander Briullov The school is located on the territory of the dacha of architect Alexander Briullov. This building was designed by its owner in 1837 who set about constructing it in the same year. The structure has two stories, the first in stone and the second in wood over which there is a gable roof. At a certain distance to the right of the house is a four-story stone tower topped by an observation platform that is entered by an observatory-like cupola. A.P. Briullov was the architect of the Pulkovo Observatory and had a liking for astronomical observations himself. A two-story wing connects the tower to the main house.

A.P.Briullov Alexander Pavlovich Briullov built and reconstructed many structures in St Petersburg. The best known of his works perhaps are the Mikhailovsky Theatre on the Square of the Arts, the Guards' Staff building on Palace Square, the Church of SS Peter and Paul on Nevsky Prospekt, and the main building of the Pulkovo Observatory.

The artist Karl Pavlovich Briullov, the architect's brother, is so well known that there is no need to talk about his creative achievements.

The architect A.P. Briullov evidently first thought of having a dacha in Pavlovsk at the beginning of the 1830's when he reconstructed E.P. Samoilova's manor house on her estate not far from the city. Moreover, Pavlovsk probably attracted him because of the life style that was then developing there and the large number of orders for construction of dachas.


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